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O.M.G. Remix Super Surprise Dolls

L.O.L. Surprise! O.M.G. Remix Super Surprise

Limited Edition O.M.G. Remix Super Surprise Dolls

O.M.G. Remix Super Surprise Dolls are the ultimate rock concert experience, we can find 4 new dolls and their sisters.

Each one with their instrument that they play and sound as if they were real.

Each new doll of this new O.M.G. Remix series has impressive features, according to a rock star style.

Join the LOL Surprise rock band

O.M.G. Remix Super Surprise Dolls

The trendy dolls are in the rock band Super Sonix, and each one includes its own rock instrument that actually plays music.

Each instrument has 6 unique sounds that you can play by pressing the buttons.

Play the instruments together to create your own rock song.

The Boys brothers are the opening act, and they’ve all come with their own accessories to the rock concert.

2 rock bands and more than 70 surprises

Discover over 70 surprises in a totally new unpacking experience!

Follow the numbers to assemble the different parts of the radio!

2 rock bands with all the new accessories and instruments to give a perfect concert.

Each fashion doll includes its own rock instrument, and each instrument plays 6 different sounds.

Play the instruments together to create your own rock mix!

Remix Super Surprise3
O.M.G. Remix Super Surprise Dolls
Remix Super Surprise4

Unboxing: Getting to know the O.M.G. Remix Super Surprise Dolls

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O.M.G. Remix Super Surprise Dolls | Universo L.O.L. Surprise!
lol surprise remix super surprise imagen destacada

O.M.G. Remix Super Surprise Dolls are the ultimate rock concert experience, we can find 4 new dolls and their sisters. Each one with their instrument that they

Product SKU: B089NFSW4R

Product Brand: L.O.L. Surprise!

Product Currency: EUR

Product Price: 180

Price Valid Until: 2021-12-31

Product In-Stock: InStock

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